Measuring Water Quality from Space


December 22nd, 2022



Written by

Marta Mas i Serra

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Water is one of the most essential resources for the planet´s survival and plays an important role in the world economy. Due to human actions, water quality is progressively deteriorating.

Human use of water is endless: we use water for irrigation in agriculture, for cleaning and washing, as a solvent or a solute in chemical uses, for a heat exchange in power stations, for sewage waste, food processing and, of course, for drinking.

Economy and demography growth and climate changes are increasing concerns about water resources and its quality management.

water qualityMany industries require a great volume of water for their regular production. Processes such as mining, paper manufacturing and textile production use large amounts of water, requiring a dedicated water source, and often causing significant water pollution.

It is important, therefore, that these industries and governments understand and are aware of the need to carry out ongoing water quality monitoring. In fact, the new regulations are already aimed at controlling this problem. States and businesses will have to increase their efforts in their sustainability plans, and monitoring the quality of the water will be essential to reach their sustainable business goals.

The conventional methods of water quality monitoring involve physical samples and time-consuming laboratory analysis, that provide only spot measurements and the frequency of reporting is very low. However, with satellite technologies, water quality can be monitored in real time through regular measurements based on trusted and independent data.

Why GlobalTrust?
GlobalTrust utilizes the global coverage of satellites to monitor a set of parameters to identify environmental damage and pollution in water bodies connected to different industrial activities.

We offer independent and trusted data, using satellite technology to gather insights and analyse them to provide trusted and regular information that your organisation needs. These data can help you in the decision-making process, in complying with your due diligence, and at any stage of your company strategies.

What do we measure?

  • Water Extent
  • Water turbidity
  • Colour changes
  • pH
  • Chlorophyll
  • Algae bloom
  • Vegetation stress

What can we do?

  • Identify the presence of indicator pollutants which can be used to highlight the presence of other chemicals
  • Monitor proxies to identify environmental damage and pollution
  • Measure algae growth as indicator of environmental health
  • Provide quantitative information which can be used in regular environmental reporting reports

What do you need all these data for?

  • To characterize water bodies and identify changes in water quality over time
  • To identify specific existing or emerging water quality problems
  • To gather information to design specific pollution prevention or remediation programs
  • To determine whether program goals (such as compliance with pollution regulations) are being met
  • To respond to emergencies (such as spills and floods)

Businesses and governments need to effectively reflect the current state of water quality, so they can understand the degree of impact and pollution they are causing.

GlobalTrust will gather and analyse all these data, providing you with trusted and independent information so you have confidence in your decision-making process.